Provide counseling, design and create employee assessment structure linking to remuneration by performance appraisal and personnel development plan.
The organizational performance evaluation system expresses the efficiency of whether the organization is capable to achieve the expected goal or not. In other words, it could be used as management tool for administrators, managers, supervisors or even employees to specify their goal. The system acts like a strategic tool for operational improvement for each department/level to achieve highest organization’s goal.
Mind Edge Innovation provides counseling, design and creation of performance management system by expert team assisting in design of system which could be actually applied, suitable to business aspects and importantly replies organizational development in increasing business turnover, employee’s work efficiency and customer’s satisfaction. The services divided into 4 sections as follows :
Key Performance Indicators – KPI
Competency Assessment
Organization Chart Assessment
Performance and Profit Sharing Model
The services are divided by each organization’s availability into :
Training for operational team in principles and methods of performance management system
Counseling, design and structuring of performance management system and training for operational team
Counseling, design and structuring performance management system and establish professional team for organizational operations such as data collection, data analysis, summarization and evaluation, providing performance feedback for development and administrative organizational development guideline design